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            GK35-6A Automatic Bag Closing Machine
            product description
            GK35-6A Automatic Bag Closing Machine: Automatic single needle machine for both plain and crepe-tape bound closing of all kinds of filled bags. The machine will start automatically by photoswitch actuated by the bag being fed into the machine. In the same way, the machine stops after the bag passes through, and at the same time the thread/crepe-tape is cut automatically by built-in air cylinder operated guillotine type cutter.
            1.    Start-stop: automatically by photoswitch
            2.    Thread chain cutter: automatically by air cylinder operated guillotine type cutter
            3.    Stitch length: adjustable from 6.5-11 mm, standard setting 8 mm
            4.    Standard needle: 80800 x 250#
            5.    Speed: up to 2000 RPM, depending on sewing material and operation   
            6.    Net weight: 35Kg
            7.    Tape folder: adjustable for 50-70 mm wide tape(selected or not)
            8.    auto count bags number

            Technical Parameters
            Speed (max.) 2000r.p.m.
            Sewing thickness 8mm
            Stitch length 6.5-11mm
            Presser foot lift 11-16mm
            Stitch type double threads chain 401
            Thread cotton, polyester 21S/5,21S/3
            Needle type 80800C×250#
            Pulley diameter Φ114mm
            Net weight about 35KGS
            Dimension 50cm * 50cm * 33cm
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