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            DS-9C High Speed Sewing Machine
            product description
            DS-9C Heavy Duty Bag Closing Machine: The fastest single needle bag closing machine (2700 rpm) for all kinds of filled bags. Well-balanced rotational parts ensure very little vibration. Ideally suited for use with height-speed bag filling lines where conveyor speed of 25m/min. All parts are protected against the effects of dust. A unique but simple enclosed oil bath lubrication system greatly extends the life of moving parts and reduces maintenance costs. Model DS-99 is equipped with pneumatic guillotine type crepe-tape cutter.
            1.    Start-stop: automatically by photoswitch
            2.    Thread chain cutter: automatically by air cylinder operated guillotine type cutter
            3.    Stitch length: adjustable from 7-10.5 mm
            4.    Seam: Double thread chain stitch (Type 401)
            5.    Standard needle: DR-H30 #26
            6.    Speed: up to 2700 RPM, depending on sewing material and operation
            7.    Net weight: 45Kg
            8.    Oiling: By Oil bath

            Technical Parameters
            Speed (max.) 2700 r.p.m.
            Sewing thickness 8mm
            Stitch length 7-11.5mm
            Stitch type double threads chain 401
            Thread cotton, polyester
            Needle type DR-H30#26
            Net weight 45KGS
            Thread cutting tape/threads auto cutting
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