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            GN20-2A/3A Carpet Binding Machine
            product description

            GN20-2A/3A Carpet Binding Machine: Plain Feed, Flat Bed, over-seaming stitch machine designed in particular to sew on thick carpets and rugs. Heavy presser foot and feed-dog mechanism gives the machines greater feeding power than other lightweight machines in the market. This also helps achieve smooth operation even when sewing on heaviest of materials.

            GN20-2A: single needle, double threads;
            GN20-3A: single needle, three threads;

                    For decorative overedging of carpets, rugs, automobile carpet, etc;
                   Needle: 1;
                   Curved line sewing and small circles are available;
                   Stitch range: 2-4mm;
                   15mm overedge width (10mm and 18mm is available)
                   Max. speed: 1400rpm; Material thickness: 8mm

            Technical Parameters
            Speed (max.) 1400r/min
            Sewing thickness 10mm
            Needle type 80800*250#
            Overedge width 10-15mm
            Power 370W
            Net weight 35kg
            Dimension 445×245×375mm
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