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            GK3-18 Light Type Sewing Machine
            product description
            GK3-18 Light Type Bag Closing Machine: A light type bag closing sewing head with single needle for closing of all kinds of filled bags made of multi-wall paper, PP/PE woven cloth, jute, cotton bags etc.
            1.    Start-stop: actuated by foot switch of column
            2.    Thread chain cutter: by continuously driven nibbler knives
            3.    Standard needle: 92 x 230#
            4.    Stitch length: adjustable from 6-12 mm, standard setting 8 mm                 
            5.    Speed: up to 1500 RPM, depending on sewing material and operation
            6.    Net weight: 21Kg
            7.    As our standard bag closers do not include any electric components, they can be installed in ex-proof locations.

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